November Guild Meeting Sat., Nov. 17th at the Library Downtown at 10:30 AM

We have scheduled this Sat.’s meeting at the Watauga Library downtown to see how it appeals to members having a more centralized location especially during the winter months. It would be great if this would increase our attendance and membership. Please let your fellow fiber enthusiasts know about this and ask them to join us as a guest if they would like to. We would love to have new people join our Fiber Swap in Dec.!

Also note that this is a Football Game Day but shouldn’t be too much of an issue for us since we are meeting in the morning. We will probably need to get parking passes from the library because of this though. There is a kitchen so we can have refreshments so bring whatever you would like to share.

Also, if you live in the Cove Creek area and would like to carpool to the library, contact Susan Sharpe!

Guild meeting:
Sat. Nov. 17th 
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Watauga County Library
140 Queen St, Boone, NC

Show and Tell
Discuss changing our meetings to Sat. year-round
Plan show at the Jones house for June 2019
Discuss future meetings at the library. For example we could meet at the library during the winter months or we could alternate show and tell meetings at the library with having program meetings at the Community Center.

October Guild Meeting Thursday the 18th at 6PM

Our guild meeting is this Thursday evening at 6 PM at the Western Watauga Community Center. We have a special treat in store for us. Rita Collie has graciously volunteered to present a program on her Master Weaver Submission which I am super excited about! Several of you have mentioned missing the demo on clasped weft last month so I will bring my little Structo loom again to show that if time/interest permits!
We also need to vote and install our officers for 2019. So far the same people have offered to remain in these roles but if anyone else would like to be a part of our board, please let us know. We would welcome you.
Another item to discuss is programs for next year so be thinking about ideas for this.
Also, please pay your dues to Janeene if you haven’t already done so. Dues are $15/year.
Bring a snack, beverage to share if you would like.
Next month we will change to our winter hours, meeting on Saturday’s at 10:30. We will have show and tell for November and do our fiber swap and potluck for December.
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday at 6. Don’t forget our earlier start time!

Beginning Spinning on the Wheel – Fall 2018

Do you wish to learn how to spin on a wheel?
Hand spinning is one of the traditional crafts of the Appalachian Mountain Region.  It was one of the first steps to creating cloth whether that fabric is knit, crocheted or woven. 
Students will learn the parts of the spinning wheel along with drafting and spinning the fiber on the bobbin of the wheel.  They will spin two bobbins, learn to ply the yarn and measure the spun yarn onto a niddy noddy.
Instructor:  Susan Graham 
Enrollment: 6
Date:  Mondays,  Nov. 5 — Nov 26   (4 weeks) 
Time:  6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Cost:   $160  (includes all materials)
Location:  Edwin Duncan Hall Room #313 
More info and to register:

September Guild Meeting

This is just a reminder of our guild meeting  tomorrow night. Susan and Rhonda will do a demo on clasped weft weaving plus we will be discussing membership renewals, elections and the yART sale. Also we will be discussing program planning for 2019.

Fiber Show Reception is Tonight!

Hey, don’t forget that our Fiber Guild is exhibiting at the Watauga Council Art Space for the month of Sept. Our opening reception is tonight from 5:30 – 7:30. If you are out and about in Boone tonight, drop by, view our show and enjoy refreshments and music!

August Guild Meeting, Thursday August 16th at 6:30

The Blue Ridge Fiber Guild will meet on Thursday, Aug 16, 6:30-8:00 at the Western Watauga Community Center. Members are invited to bring fiber art projects (finished or not) for the September exhibition at ArtSpace. Also on display will be many of the projects from the natural dye workshop last week. View pictures of the  workshop here

We are planning to have the Macomber loom there for members to demonstrate, and need volunteer weavers and spinners with wheels. Rhonda Gladden has warped the loom in an 8-harness point twill pattern, and members who want to weave tea towels can come in throughout the next few weeks.

A second “Indigo and More” Workshop is being offered at Redwing Studio by Susan Sharpe and Ellie Hjemmet on Saturday, August 25. Dye vats will be available again in indigo, osage orange, myrobalan, walnut, natural indigo, and umbilicaria lichen. Cost of the workshop is $75 for non-members, and $65 for members. Contact Susan Sharpe at [email protected] for more information and to register.  

It’s that time – to show off.  If you want feedback on your potential projects for the show – please bring and let the group know if you are having any problems, or think it’s too bit, or too small….etc.

Here are the forms from the Arts council about the show

September Fiber Guild Show Forms

  1. Artwork delivery dates: Tues, Sept 4 from 5 -8 pm or Wed, Sept 5 between 12 and 1 pm
  2. Exhibition Saturday, Sept 8th through October 6th
  3. 2nd Saturday event – Saturday, Sept 8 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm.. Please be there by 5:15 pm
  4. Pickup artwork October 9 between 10 am and 6 pm

Here are the folks who have signed up so far –

Marketing – Susan Sharpe and Rita Collie

Hanging – Jane, Pat Moritz, Susan Payne

Refreshments: Sali Gill, Janeen, Rhonda G.



AGENDA—Blue Ridge Fiber Guild, July 19, 2018

6:00-6:30—food and short business meeting in the dining hall, WWCC
Access to dye vats on the back deck, dyeing can begin if you’re ready
6:30-6:50—presentation in dining hall by Susan Sharpe: stitched/wrapped resist in indigo
 and Ellie Hjemmet: lichen dyeing (umbilicaria)
6:50-8:00—Making stitched samples and Dyeing on the back deck WWCC
Bring: refreshments, apron, gloves, bucket and/or bags (to wet your material before and to carry it away after you dye), materials to dye such as yarn, fat quarters, fleece in a nylon or cheesecloth bag
To Be Provided: 12” squares white cottons, silks & rayon fabric; needle, thread, scissors; vats of indigo, rose madder, osage orange, and myrobalan; drying racks  
 Suggestion: parking in the back