October Guild Meeting Thursday the 18th at 6PM

Our guild meeting is this Thursday evening at 6 PM at the Western Watauga Community Center. We have a special treat in store for us. Rita Collie has graciously volunteered to present a program on her Master Weaver Submission which I am super excited about! Several of you have mentioned missing the demo on clasped weft last month so I will bring my little Structo loom again to show that if time/interest permits!
We also need to vote and install our officers for 2019. So far the same people have offered to remain in these roles but if anyone else would like to be a part of our board, please let us know. We would welcome you.
Another item to discuss is programs for next year so be thinking about ideas for this.
Also, please pay your dues to Janeene if you haven’t already done so. Dues are $15/year.
Bring a snack, beverage to share if you would like.
Next month we will change to our winter hours, meeting on Saturday’s at 10:30. We will have show and tell for November and do our fiber swap and potluck for December.
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday at 6. Don’t forget our earlier start time!