November Guild Meeting Sat., Nov. 17th at the Library Downtown at 10:30 AM

We have scheduled this Sat.’s meeting at the Watauga Library downtown to see how it appeals to members having a more centralized location especially during the winter months. It would be great if this would increase our attendance and membership. Please let your fellow fiber enthusiasts know about this and ask them to join us as a guest if they would like to. We would love to have new people join our Fiber Swap in Dec.!

Also note that this is a Football Game Day but shouldn’t be too much of an issue for us since we are meeting in the morning. We will probably need to get parking passes from the library because of this though. There is a kitchen so we can have refreshments so bring whatever you would like to share.

Also, if you live in the Cove Creek area and would like to carpool to the library, contact Susan Sharpe!

Guild meeting:
Sat. Nov. 17th 
10:30 am-12:30 pm
Watauga County Library
140 Queen St, Boone, NC

Show and Tell
Discuss changing our meetings to Sat. year-round
Plan show at the Jones house for June 2019
Discuss future meetings at the library. For example we could meet at the library during the winter months or we could alternate show and tell meetings at the library with having program meetings at the Community Center.