June Guild Meeting

[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Wow, it’s only June 9th and look at all our guild has already accomplished this month!

On June 1st we had a booth at the Anything Fiber Sale at Warren Wilson College and we participated in Fiber Day in West Jefferson.

On June 3rd our show was ready to be displayed at the Jones house and on June 6th we had a reception there.

On June 7th and 8th we had a booth at the Blue Ridge Fiber Fest in Sparta.

On Saturday the 15th, we will hold our June meeting at the Watauga Library in downtown Boone starting at 9:30. This is earlier than our usual time but we had to adjust in order to be able to use the library. We will also meet at our regular time of 10:30 at the library for July and August. For our June program, Betty Womack is going to share about her paper making workshop at Penland. Afterwards, we can walk down to the Jones house so everyone can view our show there. Our July program will be our annual pot luck and fiber swap.

The Southern Strands Exhibit will be at Brahm through October 27th. Be sure to check it out. Our own, Susan Sharpe, has a quilt in the show that will take your breathe away. You can view pictures of it here on our website: 
https://blueridgefiberguild.org/susan-sharpes-quilt-at-the-southern-strands-show/[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]

Blue Ridge Fiber Fest Alex wove this scarf
Alex wove this scarf at our booth at the Blue Ridge Fiber Fest. He also made a hat on the knitting machine and learned to hand knit!
