Hickory Ridge Fiber Frolic May 7, 2022

Although the weather was damp and chilly, the enthusiasm more than made up for it.  The audience was treated to knowledge and hands on demonstrations at Hickory Ridge Fiber Frolic.  Several members of BRFG shared their expertise and love of their craft.  Here’s hoping this will become an annual event!

Fiber Frolic May 7th at Hickory Ridge

Hickory Ridge CabinHere is info on the Fiber Frolic on Saturday. The address is: 591 Horn in the W Dr, Boone, NC 28607

Press Release: Fiber Frolic
Hickory Ridge History Museum – May 7, 2022 at 1 pm
Hands-on history is what Hickory Ridge History Museum is all about – a little village of six authentic 18th and 19th century log cabins where visitors can smell, taste, and feel a sample of early mountain life over 200 years ago.
This Saturday, May the 7th, join us for our “Fiber Frolic”: explore the art of clothes-making from a period when nearly everything you wore was “local”. From hat to shoes, and from underclothes to coat, everything was hand-made using natural fibers raised on the homestead.
For this special event, costumed interpreters will demonstrate the many processes required to make thread, yarn, fabric, and the final product – clothing. Learn how flax seeds were planted and harvested before going through a multi-step process to become linen. Sheep’s wool was also spun and woven into warm fabric for clothes, hats and more. We will discuss the various natural dyes used to give color to the homespun fabrics, and the skills of knitting, sewing, and quilting. Visitors will see a spinning wheel in action, turning wool into yarn and thread – then woven into fabric on an actual 18th-century barn loom; and there will be samples of period-correct garments of the type that early settlers would have worn in the 1700s.
The event begins at 1:00 at Hickory Ridge History Museum at Daniel Boone Park (adjacent to the Horn in the West Amphitheater.) Admission is free, but donations are always welcome. The support and love of our visitors enables Hickory Ridge museum to continue creating unique opportunities to step back in time. We would also like to thank Watauga Art Council and the NC Arts Council for their year after year support in bringing events like this to the museum. We look forward to seeing you there.

Blue Ridge Fiber Guild April Meeting

Dog Stuffie
Agenda for BRFG April 16, 2022 Meeting
Call to Order and Welcome
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report and Approval of Meeting Notes
Committee Reports: Executive
Unfinished Business
New Business
Judith Spencer ([email protected]) ProjectLinus.org
Handweavers Guild Convergence
Workshop/Program: Your Maker’s Statement
1. If you have a statement that has already been submitted, please
forward to Rhonda for inclusion into our future online directory.
2. See examples of maker’s statements at Member Directory |
Southern Highland Craft Guild (southernhighlandguild.org).
3. A form is available for your use.
4. Discussion and questions
SHOW AND SHARE: What have you been creating?
Guild Calendar:
May 7, 2022 Hickory Ridge
May 21, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30, Program: Susan Payne, “Slash
Your Stash”
June 3-4, 2022 Blue Ridge Fiber Fest, Sparta, VA
June 18, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30 from the Jones House Show;
BOONERANGFEST – not confirmed?
July 15-21, 2022 HGA’s Convergence in Knoxville TN (info at


July 16, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30 Christmas in July including gift
exchange, refreshments, location TBD (?)
August 20, 2022 Meeting @10:30 Program TBD
September 5-11 Edgewood Cottage Show
September 17, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30 Program TBD
October 15, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30 Program TBD
November 19, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30 Program TBD
December 17, 2022 Meeting @ 10:30 Program TBD

Susan Sharpe King Street Gallery Show for April

Susan Sharpe has a new show opening today downtown. Come out and support her!

New work on an old theme, “High Stranger Waltz” is a composite sketch from 40 years ago that I recently revisited. It is painted and quilted on linen fabric, and is featured in my show at the King St Arts Collective, 585 W. King St, Boone NC, April 1-23. Opening reception is 5-8 PM Friday, April 1.High Stranger Waltz

More Hats for Cancer Center!

Angelika sent this picture of the two hats she and her daughter Kathryn made. They are extremely soft and machine washable and for the dryer!
She delivered them to the Cancer Center yesterday. Angelika Hats for Cancer Center

First Stitches

February 5, 2022

Last December, a few weeks before Christmas, I spent an hour with a dozen or so delightful 4 year olds. A friend of mine and former co-worker, Ellen Lewis, who is now the program director at the Children’s Playhouse here in Boone, knew of my passion for sewing…all kinds! She asked me to come and share a few skills with the children who visit the Playhouse. I’m always ready to spend time with children and after such a long dry spell of little social interactions, it sounded like a wonderful way to spend my time.

The children were eager but they sat quietly and watched as I showed them how to thread a needle, how to knot it and then to slowly pull the thread first up from the back and then down from the front. Their attention was surprising as they sat entranced with this new project their hands and eyes had discovered.

I have my grandmother to thank for my interest in sewing. I like to think she would be happy to know I am passing my passion along. You can as well…share your passion with a 4 year old (or with anyone). You will reap the rewards.

Beth Reavis

Hearts for February

The Guild was challenged to create hearts and leave them in the Community for people to find. They were tagged with a note to let us know if someone found one. We actually got a new member from this effort. I added this post yesterday having only a picture of hearts from one member. After the post, 3 more flooded in. It’s wonderful we had so much participation!

Jeanne’s Hearts that were placed around the Appalachian Campus: Jeanne's Hearts

Mona’s Hearts: Mona's Hearts

Sali had this experience to share and her photo is listed below:
Here are a few of my hearts that someone suggested posting some on the web. These were placed in downtown Morganton, the Blue Ridge Parkway, and on campus, plus I left one in our mailbox for the postman. A friend saw this picture on Facebook, and asked me if I would teach her how to make knit some for her grandchildren.

Jean Marie has had two of her hearts reported on the IFAQH website. That is really cool!