February 20, 2021 Guild Meeting

February 20, 2021 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Zoom Call

We will have our February meeting on Saturday the 20th at 10:30 EST. Our presenter will be using her Zoom account for the meeting so I will send that link out once I receive it. She will also send out a tools and materials list that I will send out so you can follow along.




10:30-11:00-welcome and show and tell


11:00-11:30-business meeting: intro of officers and reports from each

Rita Collie, Co-President, programs/workshops

Susan Sharpe, Co-President, exhibits/publicity

Janeene Ross, Treasurer–membership/finance

Rhonda Gladden, Secretary—communications/technology


11:30-12:30—Rosa Dargan-Powers will give a Zoom presentation about her work as a fiber artist and art educator. Rosa teaches Fiber Art and Art Education at AppState and is one of the founding members of the guild. Rosa will demonstrate and guide us through the creation of a folded paper lantern.


Don’t forget to send your membership dues to Janeene if you haven’t already.