Fiber Frolic 2023

May 6, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Hickory Ridge Living History Museum

Hickory Ridge Fiber Frolic 2023

Hickory Ridge Living History Museum is hosting our second Fiber Frolic, Saturday, May 6th, 11-3. We’re inviting you to come with something to work on (spinning, weaving, knitting, embroidery, etc.).

This year we are inviting fiber friends to bring something to work on and mingle with other fiber enthusiasts and visitors to the museum. We will not have planned presentations so please be willing to talk about your work if there are questions. We’d love to see a variety of spinning wheels, small looms, natural dyed items, embroidery, knitting…..
Please bring a chair.

Selling Items
You can sell items at the event, but please note:
1. Bring a trade blanket or table and chair to sell from (they will not be provided)
2. Space is limited, so please stick to a small table or blanket
3. You will do your own sales and there will be NO charge or percentage to sell.
4. We prefer items to be fiber or historical related items.
Fiber Item Swap
To make the event more fun we are planning a Blanket Swap, not that we are swapping blankets. We will have donated items, fiber/historical related and there will be drawings throughout the event. We are hoping to have enough items so that everyone gets to take something home. This will include participants and visitors so I am inviting you to donate something for the swap, even if you can’t be there we’d appreciate your help. There is no admittance charge for the event or for the swap.

Special Prizes
We are working on one more piece of the event- for a donation you can have a chance or chances to win a special prize, a Canadian Paradis spinning wheel in working order. The wheel was donated to the museum for the Fiber Frolic for a fundraiser. We hope there will be lots of interest in the wheel.

If you are interested in donating something for the blanket swap you can contact me or Mareena Greer at the Horn Office. 828-264-2120. You can bring swap items the day of the event, as early as possible, or drop them at the office beforehand.

Thanks and we hope to see you there.
Jane Campbell 828-406-2930